Aches and pain around your joints? Waking up with a stiff neck or back? Feeling overwhelmed with stress? Low energy throughout your day?
We specialize in chiropractic, massage, assisted stretching therapy and other modalities.
Our team of Wellness Pros on staff are excited to help you improve your daily life activities and reach a new level of holistic health.
Nicholas Jung
Doctor of Chiropractic
AK 100 HR Certified
Clean Slate and Bio-Clean Slate
Dr. Jung has a love for helping people with their health and fitness goals. He approaches his patients with as much care and compassion as possible. Having over 2,000 hours of post-graduate studies in functional neurology…
Finding yourself lost in trying to become healthier? Not sure what diet is right to follow? Lost at your gym? Prior injuries when working out? Not getting the results you want?
With specific and specialized training, our programming goes beyond training the muscles and integrates with all of our other wellness services to treat the patient as a whole.
Our staff is ready to provide you a fitness program designed to listen to your needs and progress with your fitness goals.
Jose lopez villalobos
Founder of Ready Ex Go Fitness
Certified Personal Trainer
Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Competitor
My training style is focused on the “Why” you should be doing this exercise vs. the “What” exercise looks cool or is trendy. I make sure that you are mentally focused on the technique and the exact muscle you are activating. Every repetition needs to count…
Orelia rhodes
Corrective Exercise Specialist
Certified Nutrition Coach
3x Nat’l Qualified Bikini Competitor
Orelia has been a bikini competitor for years and has numerous titles. She knows the ins and outs of nutrition and training for sculpting the body and functional performance. She specializes in helping women, especially mother’s…